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Serving LGBTQIA+ Children and Families in the MDT Process

This course will provide an overview of affirmative practices for all

multidisciplinary team (MDT) professionals supporting and serving LGBTQIA+

children, youth and families when responding to child abuse and maltreatment.

In addition to providing an overview of gender and sexuality terminology, some of

the topics covered will include cultural considerations when working with LGBQTIA+

children, youth and families, advocacy, preparing the team, family and child for

the process, allyship, pronouns, engaging community partners, vetting

resources for LGBQTIA+ families, considerations for the forensic protocol and

the use of interview aids.

While considerations for the forensic interview will be discussed in this course, the

primary focus of this training is on the MDT, as a whole. Information about the

variation of this training that focuses on the forensic interview, specifically can be

found here.